Zoho Sign allows businesses to securely sign, send, and manage their documents from anywhere in the world. It allows organizations to manage their prospects efficiently and to close deals quickly and securely.

Benefits and Features of Zoho Sign

Ease of Use

Quickly sign documents yourself or send them to the required recipients to sign from anywhere in the world on their mobile phone or PC.

Workflow Configuration

Control how recipients receive and sign your documents. Select who signs, in what order, and who receives a copy after completion.

Custom Templates

Create personalized templates using your branding to ensure all of your messaging falls in line with your standards.

Data Security

Using military-grade encryption Zoho Sign ensures that your data is protected with the highest level of security. Zoho Sign complies with the most current e-signature laws: ESIGN and eIDAS.

Mobile Accessibility

Manage your documents and signatures from the Zoho Sign app. Recipients can sign documents wherever they are right on their mobile devices.

Document Tracking

Receive instant alerts and notifications on the status of each document. Track whether the document has been viewed, opened, and signed by each recipient.

Zoho Sign and CRM Sync - AXIS Integrated

Compatibility with CRM

Zoho Sign syncs directly with Zoho CRM, allowing you to manage your leads, prospects, customers, and documents all in one place. Your team will never miss an opportunity again.

Zoho Authorized Partner - AXIS Integrated

As a Zoho Authorized Partner we have the knowledge and expertise to get your Zoho instance off the ground. Whether you are a large or small organization we can custom-tailor your Zoho CRM and Zoho Sign to meet the specific needs and requirements of your franchise. Contact us to see what AXIS and Zoho can do for you!